By Debra Verville

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There are many women each year that have a tubal reversal in order to regain their fertility to have another child. The tubal reversal journey is one that can be very emotional and trying at times but it also helps dreams of family come true.
Many women that have a tubal ligation reversal in order to give their new spouse a child. The new spouse has no children and this is a dream come true for many couples.
With the tubal ligation reversal journey there can also be heartbreak. Though the rate of miscarriage is not higher with having ones tubes untied it may seem like it is.
Women that have had a tubal reversal tend to be very in tune with their body and cycle. Many times they feel every little twinge and want to begin testing for pregnancy even before a missed period. Many women know exactly when they are due to ovulate and with the use of ovulation predictor kits and basal body tempting.
The tubal reversal message board has many women that discuss this journey. There have been a few that question if miscarriage is more common after the reversal. The rate of miscarriage is not higher but most women do not watch for impending pregnancy signs and symptoms like those that have been a reversal procedure do.
Miscarriage happens more than we think it does in a normal situation. The difference is we do not use a pregnancy test for every little twinge and we are not as aware of what our bodies are doing.
Although miscarriage is very normal for all women it is still heartbreaking.
It is a journey that many do not expect and would not wish on any other individual. But there is hope and for the majority a normal healthy pregnancy will follow.
The same is true for those who have gone through the reversal procedure. There are women that miscarry even though everything looked fine. But one of the biggest things women that have had a previous miscarriage tell others is to not give up hope. The message board has proven to be a great source of support for those who are embarking on this journey. As stated by many who have gone onto have multiple children after tubal reversal miscarriage does happen but children will follow.
There are women that have had as many as two or three miscarriages before having a healthy pregnancy with no reason to show for it. The great thing is that there is support as well as the future.
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