By Apurva Jain

Recommended Reading
The Pregnancy Secrets
Explore The Bible Of Pregnancy, Getting Pregnant,
Being Pregnant And Deliver A Healthy, Happy Child.
On the onset of pregnancy, several early signs of pregnancy are experienced by women. The type and gravity of the sign of pregnancy are different for each woman, depending on her hereditary factors, health, age and life-style. One thing is for sure, every pregnant woman experiences one or more of these early signs of pregnancy. Thus, all those who are expecting to get pregnant should watch out for these signs soon as it begins.
Some Most Common Early Symptoms
A missed menstrual cycle is most surely associated with an early sign of pregnancy. When a woman misses her menstrual period, she gets an indication that she is pregnant. This can be confirmed at home by readily available Home Pregnancy Test kits in medical shops.
However, some women get to know even before the missed period. This happens mostly when a woman is expecting to get pregnant and observes even slight changes in her body, very keenly. One of these early symptoms is sore and swollen breasts with a tingling sensation. Second one is a light cramping in the lower abdomen which occurs during implantation.
Another common symptom is spotting. It is a short, light period or just a few drops of period like fluid, which, in fact, is implantation bleeding. But, if you are already pregnant, even a few weeks, and you observe spotting, you must immediately inform and take advice from your doctor. It may indicate some problem in the pregnancy, to the extent of a miscarriage.
Heartburn and nausea are also some early signs of pregnancy. Nausea generally happens in morning, thus is termed as morning sickness in pregnant women. It is due to hormonal changes early in this period. Heartburn too is due to hormonal changes. In the months 5 to 9, it is due to the growing baby which puts pressure on the mother's digestive organs. The key to take care of these problems is having frequent small meals and doing light exercise, as advised by your doctor during this period.
Less Common Early Signs Of Pregnancy
Apart from these most common signs, others are headache, tiredness through-out the day, anxiety, increased sensitivity towards odors, increased frequency of urination, lower backache. These symptoms may or may not be present. In some women most of the symptoms are only during the first three months, for others it might continue through-out the period that they are pregnant.
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, then you must at once go to your doctor for check-up and start receiving pre-natal care immediately. It is in the best interest of you and your child. Don't be bogged down by these early signs of pregnancy and discomforts and try to remain cheerful, so that you have a positive attitude towards your present condition as well as you look forward to having a healthy and happy child. Happy Journey!
Early signs of pregnancy could be different for different females. Once you start seeing early signs of pregnancy, consult your doctor and take a confirmatory Read more related articles on
Recommended Reading
The Pregnancy Secrets
Explore The Bible Of Pregnancy, Getting Pregnant,
Being Pregnant And Deliver A Healthy, Happy Child.
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Thanks for the positive insights. Right after realizing I was pregnant, the only thing I was worrying about was 'when does morning sickness begin.' Thankfully it wasn't all that bad. Home remedies can provide effective relief, and so I was able to enjoy much of my pregnancy.
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